Breakfast, lunch and dinners have been historically some of the most popular restaurants for years and coffee cup promotion will perfectly complement this fact. Starting their day with a cup of tea, coffee, or hot chocolate to accompany their pancakes, bagels, eggs and bacon, every age group from kids to grand daddies, landscapers to attorneys, and janitors to judges, and contractors to computer techs enjoy these types of restaurants.
What is a better way to get your profession or business in front of a customer or potential client? For 20-30 minutes or even more, your advertisement is only 6-12 inches from view. And with these advertisements, you simply can’t turn the page on them. It’s not possible to put pop-up blocker on them. You can’t record over them and fast forward through them with your DVR, VCR etc.
Personalized cups turn out to be incredible gifts. For those who have a requirement for having an incredible coffee at their desk every moment of the day, they would bask a cool looking coffee cup that is customized for them. A personalized paper cup is a way of saying gratitude, best wishes or just say hello. Making a person feel good about them is great and when you can do it by giving a gift you know.
You can have these custom cups low minimum personalized with their name, an incredible greeting or a joke. They can be bought, as ways of expressing your love or affection to a person you know who loves coffee. Make it even more vital by giving them a package of their favorite coffee inside. There are companies that like to give out customized gifts to their romance. So why not a coffee cup promotion with a brand logo? If your office is full of coffee drinkers, disposable hot cups might be just what you are looking for.